EcoTrace Fe

EcoTrace Fe is used for the enrichment and balancing of diets for farm animals and poultry in terms of iron content. Iron in diets is necessary for the formation of hemoglobin; it participates in oxidation-reduction reactions. Recommended in case of manifestation of such symptoms as lethargy, loss of appetite, delayed weight gain, pale mucous membranes, […]

EcoTrace Cu

EcoTrace Cu is used for the enrichment and balancing of diets for farm animals and poultry in terms of copper content. For the treatment of microelementosis associated with copper deficiency. In the event of occurence of clinical signs observed in copper deficiency in the diet, such as gastrointestinal tract disorders, especially in pregnant animals (profuse […]


NitroShure is encapsulated (protected) urea with nitrogen content of no less than 40%. Urea as a feed additive is widely used for providing rumen microflora with nitrogen. New patented technology allows to control the release of nitrogen in the rumen for a long time. As a result, nitrogen is released in optimal proportion with carbohydrates, […]


Choline protected from decomposition in the rumen of ruminant animals, which is used as a feed additive to actively support the liver. In dairy cows, choline performs the functions of active support of the liver and fat metabolism in it during the critical transition period that starts 3 weeks before calving and ends 3 weeks […]

Energy Top

Energy Top is a glucogenic energy source. It is used to improve metabolism, optimize the utilization of fat resources and maintain the water and ion balance in the body cells, which reduces the need for energy, and promotes the production of acetic acid in the rumen. Ketosis is one of the major diseases of cows […]

Hepatron 85 %

Hepatron 85 % – used as an effective replacement of methionine and choline. Nitrogen compound of plant origin. Activates lipid metabolism in the liver. Normalizes the level of triglycerides in the blood, participates in metabolic processes, promotes energy production. Betaine is an excellent hepatoprotector and is included in the group of lipotropic substances that prevent […]


Biosprint is a microbial preparation containing living yeast culture Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Biosprint is a natural and effective way to correct the deficiencies of feeding high yielding cows and cows with average milk yields. In the rumen, yeasts consume oxygen and thus create an anaerobic environment, which promotes the development of beneficial microflora. Additionally, probiotic yeasts […]

BioPlyus YC

BioPlyus YC is used to improve the synthesis of enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract, to promote the development of beneficial intestinal microflora, to improve metabolism of the body, and to displace the pathogenic microflora.

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