The Fidimport company conducts research on feed raw materials for the main mycotoxins​

Mobile Laboratory

As part of the prevention and control of mycotoxicosis of farm animals and poultry, the company’s employees conduct research on feed raw materials for the main mycotoxins. The analyses are carried out using high-tech Symmetrical Green test systems from the Greek company ProGnosis BIOTECH.

Fidimport specialists conduct research directly at the enterprise, which allows you to quickly obtain data on the concentration of mycotoxins or their absence in feed materials.

Symmetrical Green is a high-tech line of test systems that uses the most modern solutions for the quantitative analysis of all important mycotoxins (aflatoxins B1,B2, G1, G2, deoxynivalenol, zearalenone, ochratoxin, fumonisin, T-2/HT-2) in grain, bulk feeds and other matrices, including animals feed. The Symmetrical Green Series uses a water-based buffer at the extraction stage, which makes it possible to perform a single extraction for analysis for all mycotoxins.

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