Calculation of formulations for mixed feed plants and poultry farms

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Calculation of formulations for mixed feed plants and poultry farms

The calculation service for companies includes: 

  • Preparation of a database of the company’s raw materials nutritional value;
  • Calculation of formulations with the best performance indicators: Nutritional value – Conversion – Price
  • Adjustment of formulations in online mode, when the newly supplied raw materials are introduced into the production process;
  • Recommendations for breeding and feeding of poultry. 

Our experts are qualified and have practical experience in this industry. Our clients who observed all the technological parameters achieved the following results in poultry rearing: 

Livability: 96.5 %
Average daily weight gain: 60.5 g
Average weight per head: 2.611 g
Feed conversion: 1.72
Meat production: 51 кг
Feed cost reduction: 250-1,500 RUB/t
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